
C# Unity 40 - Linear search, Bubble sort, System.Array class


C# with Unity In depth video tutorials series

For game programming students: Year back, I have created a playlist in YouTube channel C# with Unity In depth video tutorial series. Recieved a great response from students around the world. Thanking you all. Now I am adding notes and example codes under the video description with timings. Link: For first 30 video tutorials added notes and example codes. Hope it help you guys. C# Unity 1 - Creating and executing a project, UI, folder structure I. What and Why Unity + C#: [Starts At = 00min:00sec] II. Creating a new project in Unity: [Starts At = 02min:56sec] III. Introduction to Unity interface: [Starts At = 09min:59sec] IV. Creating a C# script and executing: [Starts At = 19min:08sec] V. Flow of execution of the project: [Starts At = 29min:15sec] VI. Saving the Scene: [Starts At = 31min:33sec] VII. Folder structure o